General terms and conditions of sale

Seller identification

Identification du vendeur


Tel :
E.mail :
SA with capital of €2,013,900
RCS ROMANS B 504 733 890



Use of this site implies full acceptance of our terms and conditions. By using this site, you acknowledge that you are of legal age and guarantee the truthfulness and accuracy of the information provided. Any fraudulent or unlawful use in your name or on behalf of a third party may result in you being refused access to our services and may also result in you being held financially liable. These terms and conditions apply to all use of our website and to all bookings and purchases made on this website. The offers and general terms and conditions presented are valid on the day they are consulted. They are periodically updated, but any reservation made will be honoured on the date of the holiday under the conditions specified.



Each time you make a reservation, you will be given a number that you can use to cancel your reservation. For all reservations made on the Internet, we will ask you for your credit card number (and expiry date) as a guarantee. Payment will be made on site at the end of your stay, unless you do not come to the hotel and have not cancelled your booking beforehand. In this case, the cancellation conditions will apply. The following methods of payment are accepted (in addition to cash): Visa, American Express, Holiday vouchers and cheques (on presentation of proof of identity).

Cancellation policy

Conditions d'annulation

If you cancel within 7 days of arrival, you will be charged 50% of the total cost of the reservation. For cancellations made within 72 hours of arrival, 80% of the total cost of the reservation will be charged.
For cancellations made within 24 hours of arrival, 100% of the booking will be charged.



The prices shown on our site are in euros. They are shown inclusive of all taxes, with the exception of a daily and personal tourist tax which will be collected in addition on behalf of the municipality. Our prices are subject to change at any time without this being applicable to bookings already confirmed, unless there is a change in the legal or regulatory taxes imposed by the competent authorities.



Pets are only allowed in the "cabanes insolites" at an additional cost. Pets must be tied up when in the park.



Valsoyo reserves the right to change your room for another of the same category, free of charge.
Similarly, in the event of cancellation of the reservation by Valsoyo, no compensation may be claimed.

Liability and warranty

Responsabilité et garantie

The Customer acknowledges the risks associated with the use of the Internet. Valsoyo will make its best efforts to check with its suppliers to ensure that the site is functioning correctly, but cannot guarantee that this site is free from any anomaly or malfunction. Valsoyo cannot therefore be held responsible for any damage resulting from the use or total or partial impossibility of use of the site. In particular, Valsoyo may not be held liable in the event of non-performance or poor performance on the part of the client, a third party or due to force majeure.

Applicable law

Droit applicable

These general terms and conditions are subject to French law and to the jurisdiction of the courts of the plaintiff's registered office. However, the parties undertake to use their best endeavours to reach an amicable settlement.

Final provisions

Dispositions finales

The fact that Valsoyo does not avail itself of one of the clauses of these general terms and conditions shall not constitute a waiver for the future of the benefit of the clause. In the event that one of the clauses is declared null and void, it will be declared unwritten without affecting the validity of the other provisions, unless it is essential. And decisive. In the event of force majeure, including the interruption of means of telecommunication and strikes, the hotel will be released from its obligations and any services not provided will be reimbursed, to the exclusion of the payment of any damages and interest.

Protection of personal data

Protection des données personnelles

Please refer to our legal notice.

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