Legal information

Please read these terms of use carefully before using this site. By connecting to this site, you accept these terms and conditions without reservation. In accordance with article 6 of Law no. 2004-575 of 21 June 2004 on confidence in the digital economy, the persons responsible for this website are :

Site publisher

Company name : S.A.R.L Valsoyo

Postal address of registered office :

130 chemin des sources
26120 UPIE

Telephone number : +33 4 75 60 58 06
SIRET NUMBER : 504 733 890 00017
VAT NUMBER : FR 60 504 733 890
Travel and holiday operators : N°IM026120018
Share capital : 2 013 900 euros
Publishing director : M. Erick VALLA

Impulsez un esprit fédérateur


Hosted by : OVH - 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France.


Site powered by the web agency Marque Digitale

Address : 1 rue jean Bertin – 26000 VALENCE


Alexandre BIENFAIT - Studio 196 : Discover

Robin LESCROART - Photographie : Discover

Jérémy FUSTER - La Boîte à Métrages : Discover

David TAULEIGNE - @david_tauleigne

Terms and conditions of use

Conditions d'utilisation

This site ( is available in various web languages (HTML, HTML5, Javascript, CSS, etc.) for greater ease of use and more pleasing graphics, we recommend that you use modern browsers such as Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Google Chrome, etc. Valsoyo makes every effort to ensure that the information on its websites is reliable and up-to-date. However, errors or omissions may occur. The Internet user must therefore check the accuracy of the information provided by Valsoyo, and report any changes to the site that he or she deems useful. Valsoyo is in no way responsible for the use made of this information, or for any direct or indirect damage that may result. Cookies: The site may ask you to accept cookies for statistical and display purposes. A cookie is a piece of information placed on your hard drive by the server of the site you are visiting. It contains a number of data items that are stored on your computer in a simple text file that a server accesses to read and record information. Some parts of this site cannot be used without accepting cookies. Hypertext links : The websites of may offer links to other websites or other resources available on the Internet. Valsoyo has no means of controlling the sites linked to its websites. Valsoyo is not responsible for the availability of such external sites and sources, nor does it guarantee them. It cannot be held responsible for any damage whatsoever resulting from the content of these external sites or sources, and in particular from the information, products or services they offer, or from any use that may be made of these elements. The risks associated with such use are the full responsibility of the Internet user, who must comply with their conditions of use. Users, subscribers and visitors to the website may not set up a hyperlink to this site without the express prior authorisation of . In the event that a user or visitor wishes to set up a hyperlink to one of the Valsoyo websites, they should send an email to the site to request that a hyperlink be set up. Valsoyo reserves the right to accept or refuse a hyperlink without having to justify its decision.

Embedded content from other sites

f you leave a comment on our site, you will be asked to save your name, e-mail address and site in cookies. This is purely for your convenience so that you do not have to enter this information if you leave another comment later. These cookies expire after one year.

If you go to the login page, a temporary cookie will be created to determine whether your browser accepts cookies. It does not contain any personal data and will be deleted automatically when you close your browser.

When you log in, we will set a number of cookies to record your login information and screen preferences. The lifetime of a connection cookie is two days, that of a screen option cookie is one year. If you tick "Remember me", your connection cookie will be kept for a fortnight. If you log out of your account, the connection cookie will be deleted.

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The rights you have over your data

The information you provide will only be used by Valsoyo. This information is used to process your booking. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act of 6 January 1978, you also have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete data concerning you. You can exercise this right by sending an e-mail or a letter to the following address: Valsoyo - 130 Chemin des sources - 26120 UPIE

Nature of the personal data collected

The information we collect comes from the complete entry of your details when you make a reservation or request information.

Services provided

All of the company's activities and information are presented on our site

endeavours to provide information on the site that is as accurate as possible. The information on the site is not exhaustive and the photos are non-contractual. It is given subject to modifications having been made since it was put online. In addition, all information on the site is given for information purposes only and is subject to change or development without notice.

Entertainment licences

Licences de spectacle

  • PLATESV-D-2023-000056 for category 1 ("venue operator" for the Domaine de Valsoyo) ;
  • PLATESV-D-2023-000071 for category 2 ("producer of shows")
  • PLATESV-D-2023-000072 for category 3 ("show presenter").

130 chemin des sources, 26120 UPIE

Word of mouth, Google ads, Facebook, TripAdvisor, via another site (which one?). Thanks for your feedback!