The essence of the Moroccan Riad in Drôme


The essence of the Moroccan Riad in Drôme

Discover Morroco

All the senses are awakened as you pass through the door, traditional music plays and then the eyes discover the multicoloured zelliges, the wrought iron furniture, the silky tadelakt on the walls and the essence of cedar wood in the moucharabieh. This gentle traditional melody promises an experience that awakens all the senses.

All that’s left to do is savour a mint tea picked from the garden.

icon lit double

Chambre double

cuisine équipé valsoyo

Cuisine équipée


Draps et serviettes
de bain fournis


Draps et serviettes
de bain fournis

icon interdit aux animaux

Animaux domestiques
non autorisés


Salle d'eau

icon canapé convertible

Séjour avec deux couchages
simples convertibles

icon terrasse

Terrasse extérieure


Wifi gratuit

A sensory escape is an authentic Maghreb setting

After climbing a few steps from the ground floor, you enter Moroccan culture. The first impression is visual: the multicoloured zelliges sparkle in the light, creating patterns that tell stories of another time. The wrought iron furniture blends with the smooth surfaces of the tadelakt, which dress the walls in a sober, natural elegance. The finely-worked moucharabiehs exude the noble essence of cedar wood, transporting visitors into a world where aesthetic detail reigns supreme.

Directly on your left, the kitchenette area, with its tea service and dishes for delicious tagines, immerses you in a typical atmosphere. As you move further into the flat, you’ll discover a bathroom area, designed in the pure Moroccan tradition. A few steps away is the bedroom with a double bed. There are two convertible single beds in the living area. In the morning, take advantage of your small private terrace to enjoy the peace and quiet or the birdsong.

Partez à la découverte de nouvelles sensations

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