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Why join us?

A human company and full of projects!

Our family business has its roots in the farmland of our ancestors. We are proud of our history and still embody the values that we hold so dear. Many talented people have contributed their creativity, energy and commitment to making Valsoyo what it is today.


But there’s still a long way to go, projects to carry out and new desires to explore.


To continue and share this adventure, we are always looking for new crew members ready to take up the challenge… Why not join us?

A desire? A passion? A shared dream?

Unsolicited application

If the Valsoyo adventure appeals to you and you want to share your passion for our business, we invite you to write to us so that we can find out more about your desires and your plans.


Rest assured that we will get back to you and who knows… Maybe an opportunity will arise in the next few months!

We have no job opportunities at present, but please do not hesitate to send us your unsolicited application.

Mariage dans la Drôme
Valsoyo - séminaire Drôme & Ardèche
Upie, séminaire d'entreprise en Drôme

Our vision

Committed Employer

Convinced that the pleasure of our customers comes first and foremost from that of our team, Valsoyo implements team management based on trust, sincerity and pragmatism.

The hotel, events and leisure industries are exciting businesses in which everything we do is geared towards serving our guests. The pleasure of ‘receiving’, the flame of hospitality, is our driving force, as reflected in the quote at the heart of our business: “True happiness consists in making people happy”. But these are also jobs with heavy constraints: working hours, multi-skilling, operations in the field…

That’s why we do everything we can to make them as flexible as possible and share the best possible quality of life at work with our teams. By way of example, here are some of the practices we’ve implemented:

– Possibility of working 35 hours over 4 days instead of 5

– Employees propose their own schedules and holidays, giving priority to rotation

– Bonuses based on merit and collective success

– Consideration of employees’ desires for development within the company

– Team evenings organised in pairs by employees

– Making employees responsible for CSR and participation in future projects

Many other practices are in place, but the most important thing for us is to embody our values of benevolence, sincerity and mutual support on a daily basis, because they are the guarantors of a true team spirit that enables us to face any situation while having a lot of fun together.

How did the Valsoyo project come about?

A story that makes sense

Toutefois, nous avons bel et bien notre propre histoire, nos propres valeurs et notre propre vision de l’avenir. Et il nous semble important que vous puissiez vous identifier, à votre façon avec votre prisme, à celles-ci, que vous puissiez projeter votre projet professionnel au sein de notre écosystème en y retrouvant des parallèles, des envies et des visions communes.

Pour cela, nous vous invitons à découvrir plus en détail qui nous sommes à travers notre histoire.


To flourish at Valsoyo, it’s important to understand where we come from, what our values are, what the idea behind the project is, what our reason to exist is and what our vision is for the future


Of course, we’re not the only ones with a great story, and we don’t claim to have the best values or the best vision of our profession. There are as many as there are entrepreneurial projects.


But we do have our own story, our own values and our own vision of the future. And we think it’s important that you should be able to identify with them, in your own way and through your own prism, and that you should be able to project your professional project within our ecosystem by finding parallels, desires and shared visions.


To do this, we invite you to find out more about who we are through our history.

130 chemin des sources, 26120 UPIE

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